Jul 27, 2019
FEELWORLD FW568 moniotor is excelte is very comfortable with both the product and the treatment. The feel world monitor is excellent to work with any type of camera.
Youtube Channel: @Glenn Prasetya This monitor is just amazing, and it is just a perfect addition to my gear. It is super light which won’t affect the weight of my rig too much. I love the customizable buttons (which I set to Histogram, Focus Peaking, and Flip Image for shooting underslung). The image quality is just mind blowing. I absolutely recommend this monitor hands down.Nine Grid
Zoom one of the images to realize the full screen. You can switch the Mark color between Red, Green, Blue, White, Black according to different tone of the subject.
Pixel to Pixel
Enable the filmmaker to check the image from the 1:1 signal source without scaling.This feature is essential for capturing optimum detail.
Safe Mark for View Finding and Composition (80%, 85%, 90%, 93%, 96%, 2.35:1). You can switch the Mark color between Red, Green, Blue, White and Black according to different tone of the subject.

Zoom In (4X, 9X, 16X)
Image magnification is HD signal in any part, an amplification for high quality close-up.
Anamorphic Mode (1.3x, 2.0x, 2.0x mag, User-defined adjustment: 1.20X~2.00X)
Built-in selection of no squeeze, 1.3× or 2.0× allows you to use anamorphic lenses or adapters and see the image unsqueezed, even if your camera does not de-squeeze in camera. A 2.0× mag mode, magnifies the center of your image so you can check the focus of your scaled image.
Image Flip
The Horizontal,Vertical and Hor&Ver of the image around flip.