Feelworld FW568 match Sony a7iii & Zhiyun gimbal
Mar 21, 2019
“ I really love that one of my favorite things I just want to feel like! When I pull this thing out of the box I notice that it's really really lightweight , if that's your intention to use it on a gimbal then it's probably perfect one.”
Youtube Channel: Marcos Rocha
Sometimes I've left behind my lady when I'm going on video shoots because some monitors are too big doesn't fit in my Pelican. But I'm more likely to take FEELWORLD FW568, it's smaller, easly to operate so I was thinking.When I turn it on I was surprised that the resolution is actually pretty good also another thing the colors are pretty true, meaning that the colors I see on the screen are practically the same that I see in the back of my sony a7s 2 or the a 63. I'm often having to shoot videos by myself and sometimes I'm behind the camera setting the exposure and the color and the lighting not all that and then you know when I'm done with it this is really cool I can just loosen this flip it over and I can look at myself.
I use the invert function on the image so I can look at myself, and I also used it for false colors when video basically what it does it helps me read the exposure whenever you're recording yourself or maybe you're doing interviews. Another thing I like is that gridlines with the 50 mil lens but if you're shooting with the wider lens like a 16 or 24 it's much easier to you know you're gonna be closer to the monitor and you can see the audio signals so that's pretty cool so you know that it whether you're peaking your audios peaking or not so that way you can set the audio levels all right.
If you own a gimbal and you need a monitor then this is what you need because it's super lightweight it doesn't cost a lot of money and also if you don't want to spend $400 or $600 or whatever $800 for a monitor then the FEELWORLD FW568 【ONLY $168.99 USD】can do a lot of things: false colors gridlines, audio signals also the things that look out for also the true colors.