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Is it too late to start a podcast in 2024?

Is it too late to start a podcast in 2024?

According to an annual statistical analysis on Google, the podcast industry has more than 460 million listeners worldwide and is expected to reach 504.9 million listeners by the end of 2024. Although the podcast industry is growing, if you have a complete podcast system, then your podcast will stand out. It's not too late to start the podcast and find an audience!

You should use your voice to communicate with your audience and share your talent. When you deliver valuable content, your podcast audience will be keen to listen and learn, and they'll keep coming back for more. In this article, we will explore the importance of podcasting and discuss having the right podcasting equipment. FEELWORLD offers the best podcasting microphones to help you stand out in podcasting!Podcasting Mic

What to do when starting a podcast?

Starting a podcast can be an exciting and rewarding endeavor. Here are some steps to consider when starting a podcast:

1. Define your niche

Decide on the topic or niche of your podcast. What will it be about? Who is your target audience? Having a clear concept will help you stay focused and attract the right listeners.

2. Get the Right Equipment

Good audio quality is crucial to a successful podcast. For beginner podcasts, you don't necessarily need expensive equipment to produce great content. Plug and play, avoiding wind, popping, and popping podcast microphones is a solution that gets the job done well.

FEELWORLD provides the podcast mic to ensure clear and crisp audio. Minimize background noise and adjust volume levels to create an enjoyable listening experience.

Mic for beginner podcasts

3. Choose a Hosting Platform

Select a podcast hosting platform where you can upload and distribute your episodes. Popular options include Podbean, Libsyn, and Buzzsprout.

4. Create a Brand and Artwork

Develop a unique brand for your podcast, including a catchy name and eye-catching artwork. Your brand should reflect the tone and style of your podcast.

5. Plan Your Episodes

Outline your episodes and plan the content you want to cover. Consider the format of your show (interviews, solo episodes, storytelling, etc.) and create a content calendar to stay organized.

6. Record and Edit Your Episodes

Start recording your episodes using your equipment. Edit the recordings to improve sound quality and remove any mistakes or unnecessary content.

7. Publish and Promote Your Episodes

Upload your episodes to your hosting platform and submit them to podcast directories like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. Promote your episodes on social media, your website, and other channels to attract listeners.

8. Engage with Your Audience

Interact with your listeners through social media, email, and listener feedback. Build a community around your podcast and encourage engagement.

9. Consistency is Key

Establish a regular publishing schedule to keep your audience engaged and coming back for more. Consistency helps build a loyal listener base.

10. Monitor and Improve

Track your podcast's performance using analytics provided by your hosting platform. Evaluate what's working well and what can be improved to continually enhance the quality of your podcast.

Starting a podcast requires dedication, creativity, and persistence. Enjoy the process, experiment with different formats, and don't be afraid to evolve your podcast over time based on listener feedback and your own interests.


Best Budget Microphone for Podcast 

FEELWORLD recommends a budget-friendly podcast microphone--PM1 dynamic microphone

Best Budget Microphone for Podcast

Noise Rejection

When you're recording a podcast in a less than ideal acoustic environment. You can choose a dynamic microphone to help you reduce background noise. the FEELWORLD PM1 dynamic microphones can helps reject off-axis sounds, focusing on capturing the intended audio source (such as the podcaster's voice) more effectively.

Ease of Use

Dynamic microphones are generally easier to set up and use, as they do not require external power sources or complex setup procedures. The FEELWORLD PM1 dynamic mic supports XLR and USB interfaces, plug and play, and supports connecting a variety of audio devices.

Stability and flexibility

The FEELWORLD PM1, paired with a microphone boom arm, provides stability and flexibility for optimal sound recording, which improves ease of use during podcast sessions.



It's not too late to start podcasting in 2024, get the above knowledge and enjoy the process. Podcasting should be a fun, rewarding experience, and if you're passionate, know your audience, and have a plan you can stick to, it won't be long before you start reaping those rewards.


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